Relationship Wellness
Thriving. Not Surviving.

Lorna is a Certified Biblical Counselor through the Association of Biblical Counselors and is a Certified Facilitator of Prepare and Enrich.
Why Relationship Wellness
The strength of our physical well-being can be affected negatively by unhealthy engagement in day-to-day relationships, and those relationships can be affected by being unhealthy spiritually and mentally.
Relationship Wellness provides clients with the opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding of who they are through guidance using sound biblical principles that can be applied to life's encounters. Thereby helping you to engage in healthy ways within yourself and with others with whom you share life.
Healthy relationships are beneficial in many ways. For example, it decreases stress, boosts our immune systems, promotes quicker healing, lowers the chance of depression and anxiety, increases healthier behaviors, and so on.

Types Of Sessions
Spend time learning how to engage with yourself, your family, friends, and acquaintances better. Sessions will help you view life circumstances within a supportive and safe space to help you increase wellness in all areas of your life.
Couples with healthy relationships are more likely to be happier and experience relationship longevity. Spend time working together to learn how to have a relationship that thrives and not just survives. Sessions include building a safe space for discussing and resolving life circumstances. You also get to know better the person with whom you do life.