Group Wellness Coaching

Group Wellness Coaching is a fun and effective way to elevate your lifestyle and wellness habits.
Group coaching brings together people committed to change but finds that the community environment is a plus for their success. Groups are simply a fun way to make changes. Success doesn’t seem so hard when you brave change with others. Strong communal connections make for a fun and stimulating times spent together regularly.
The benefits of group coaching are numerous:
Members can take advantage of the collective knowledge and experience to help reach their goals. The immediate advice you can get from your fellow members who may be experiencing what you are can be supportive and empowering.
Sometimes, looking at your lifestyle and health habits solely through one lens – yours and yours alone, can be limiting, and working with others enables better development of solutions to reach your goals.
When members share challenges and everyday struggles, they recognize that they are not alone. Members take on a “we’re in this together mentality,” which presents a needed sense of belonging.
Members tend to work harder because they’ve shared their goals and feel a greater sense of responsibility to follow through.
Starting something new on your own can be somewhat overwhelming. Spending time with others who are learning and trying out new behaviors can aid in helping you to develop the confidence to strive for your success.
Group Coaching can be an accessible on-ramp into the coaching world. It can provide you with a way to improve lifestyle and wellness habits at a lesser cost than one on one coaching.

Who Benefits From Group Coaching?
Your family!
Your friends!
Small teams!
People who thrive working with others!
… the possibilities are endless!
Soultritionist Wellness Group Coaching Options:
Several predesigned programs open to anyone.
Programs designed for unique groups that want to work together toward a specific goal.