One on One Coaching
Two Hour Intensive
Two-Hour Session - Designed to help clients with one specific challenge that can effectively be addressed in a two-hour window. The client will leave Intensive with guidance that will support resolve for the challenge discussed.
Silver Journey
One Month Lifestyle and Wellness Journey
Short-term Lifestyle Journey designed to help with a specific challenge.
Review initial consultation and current assessment of the challenge where change is desired.
Create an action plan to achieve desired results.
Two one-hour coaching sessions
Unlimited email support with a 48-hour response time.
One Month Journey
Short-term Journey designed to help with a specific health challenge.
Review initial consultation and current assessment of the challenge where change is desired
Review and adjust your diet to support the improvement of your lifestyle and health
Review habits that may have contributed to your lifestyle and health challenges and identify steps to reverse
Identify patterns that could lead to further lifestyle and health challenges if a change is not made
Empower you to embrace and believe that change can happen
Inspire you to take control back of your lifestyle and health so that you will feel your best for yourself, your family, and your friends
Create an action plan to achieve desired results
Two one-hour coaching sessions
Unlimited email support with a 48-hour response time.

Gold Journey
Three Month Lifestyle and Wellness Journey
Journey designed for the client whose ready to commit to a longer time period focused on giving his or her body and lifestyle the attention it needs.
Inspire you to take charge of your lifestyle and health, so that you can feel your best for yourself, your family and your friends
Identify long term lifestyle and health goals and incorporate habits on the Journey that will naturally help to achieve them
Uncover habits/behaviors that contribute to a lack of health (both mentally and physically)
Take charge of your lifestyle and health
Inspire and motivate change
Explore emotional blocks to self-care
Identify and respond to ways that the body is speaking to choices that are being made daily
Review initial consultation and assess your present condition
Review current lifestyle practices and dietary intake
Develop routines that are easy and sustainable that support your mental and physical energy
Create an action plan to achieve desired results
6 one-hour coaching sessions
Unlimited email support with a 48-hour response time.
Platinum Journey
Six Month Lifestyle and Wellness Journey
Journey designed for the client who is ready to commit to deeply diving into a longer time period focused on giving his or her body and lifestyle the attention it needs. Lasting changes for a lifetime of wellness.
All benefits in the Gold Journey Plus…
Continued guidance updating lifestyle and dietary protocols for long term health
Understand your body patterns to help create a lifetime of choices that serve you well
Motivational and long term inspiration to keep you focused on your wellness
Improvement in health that results in less medical bills and doctor’s visits, along with a reduction in need for pharmaceutical medications as determined by your doctor.
Live pain-free and healthy. Be confident in your body’s ability to heal naturally
Review initial consultation and assess your present condition
Review current lifestyle practices and current dietary intake
Develop routines that are easy and sustainable that support your mental and physical energy
Create an action plan to achieve desired results
12 one-hour coaching sessions
Unlimited email support with a 48-hour response time.

Ready to Get Started?

Lifestyle & Wellness Extras
The Skin Effect (Virtual)
Pantry Clean Out (Local)
Grocery Store Exploration (Local)